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Posts from April 2013

The Poetry of Hands, 50

Mitza_violetsMitza's Blue Violet Moon bouquet like Eddie used to pick for Edna / April 2013 / thanks for picture J

“She was like the moon—part of her was always hidden away.”
~ Dia Reeves, Bleeding Violet

“He thought how sad it was to be an Animal who had never had a bunch of violets picked for him.”
~ A.A. Milne

“Life and love are life and love, a bunch of violets is a bunch of violets, and to drag in the idea of a point is to ruin everything. Live and let live, love and let love, flower and fade, and follow the natural curve, which flows on, pointless.”
~ D.H. Lawrence

“The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks.”
~ Tennessee Williams, Camino Real

The highest degree of human wisdom

Boston_skylineBoston skyline at Copley Square turned sideways / July 2007

Leo Tolstoy:

“If everyone fought only for his own convictions, there would be no wars.” (War and Peace)


“We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” (War and Peace)


“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”


“I've always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be.” (Anna Karenina)


“If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.” (Anna Karenina)


"Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness."

Perpetual alternation

Tea_1My morning tea in style / April 2013

"The most intimate feeling of living
is the perpetual alternation
of hope and dejection
of plans and defeat
of aspiration and rebuff."

~ Thornton Wilder