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Posts from August 2011

The poetry of hands, 43

Busy_hands Old and new: the younger hand-sewing and the older e-mailing / August 2011

"My father’s in my fingers, but my mother’s in my palms.
I lift them up and look at them with pleasure –
I know my parents made me by my hands."

~ an excerpt from the poem Genetics by Sinéad Morrissey

Of venus and mother nature

Capitoline_venus Rendering of the Capitoline Venus (hope that she wasn't damaged in the earthquake)/ August 2011

This was the lovely summer afternoon coming on the heels of a summer with stretches of intense heat and then intense rain when suddenly mother nature shifted and stretched and the chair beneath me rocked and the walls swayed and moaned and I finally got my wits about me and realized that it wasn't the usual tremors caused by the passing train and ran down the stairs and out the front door into the bright sunlight.


Dancing_colors This is your mood on champagne / August 2011

This was the evening of the day of planning and driving and getting lost and driving some more and running to get there before the close and walking in the hot late afternoon sun and being generally worn out when two sips of the bubbly Spanish sparkling wine totally changed your outlook and gave new meaning to the word "spirits".

All the doings they did

All_the_fun On the steps at Nelson's place (where the stories of the "doings" that went on there are still told) in Ocean City, NJ showing off old-time bathing costumes (from the bottom: Grandma, cousin Charlie, Pap)

"It would be hard to tell all the doings they did. And fun lasted them a long time, for after it had happened they’d be years telling each other about it, and the more they told about it the funnier it got."

~ an excerpt from the story "Sold" by Wendell Berry

Of the people

Thatkindofday A drink and a shot of Elvis might help / August 2000

This was the morning of waking in a stupor, depressed by the stupidity and pettyness of one's government that was in no way working by the people or for the people and searching for a little relief and hope in a beat and a little movement of the feet...