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Posts from May 2011

The deep questions

May_dinner A meal not to be forgotten / May 2011

“We are much involved, all of us, with questions about things that matter a good deal today but will be forgotten by this time tomorrow — the immediate wheres and whens and hows that face us daily at home and at work — but at the same time we tend to lose track of the questions about meaning, purpose, and value. To lose track of such deep questions as these is to risk losing track of who we really are in our own depths and where we are really going.” 

~ Frederick Buechner

Of flightless birds who are excellent navigators

Biggreenmuck Basking in the glow of late afternoon spring sunshine / May 2011

A story that I read has been on my mind lately: A person travels to a faraway place where a penguin vomits a big green mess on them. They are at first upset, then see it as a cosmic joke until someone tells them that penguins nurture their young by chewing food, mixing it up with God's enzymes, and then vomiting it into the mouths of their babies. It is suggested that the person was not the butt of a cosmic joke, but rather received a special gift of love and nurturing. I keep thinking about how things happen to us that we perceive as "bad" when, if we look at it another way, perhaps it is a gift (albeit one not tied up neatly in a bow).

Adorned with swiss chard

Swisschard I've planted vegetables, including this colorful swiss chard, and hopefully, staved off meanness and laziness / May 2011

“A good vegetable garden should adorn every farm, and the absence of one denotes meanness or laziness.”

~ Tweets of Old, AR, 1887