Taken a fancy to them
Waiting for a cold day: Hand-sewn reversable winter hat; felted wool with button detail lined with printed flannel / 2010
“Now that people have found out that soft felt hats are much more comfortable than stiff ones, they are much worn by men and boys; of late women and girls have taken a fancy to them, and no doubt both boys and girls would like to know what felt is, and how hats are made of it.” (American Agriculturist, vol. 35, 1876)
“Hats at the present day are fashioned of an endless variety of materials, and, especially in the case of those worn by ladies, they are so diversified in form that they defy all definition.” (Chamber's Encyclopaedia, 1890)
“Hats are set well over the forehead, not tilted back as was the fashion one or two seasons back.” (Godey's Magazine, 1896)