The poetry of hands, 28
For Paulo my writer and worker with the sturdy hands / New Jersey / June 2008
full of pitfalls and revisions and it goes on and on
~ Heard on a TV show about New Orleans on PBS last night
For Paulo my writer and worker with the sturdy hands / New Jersey / June 2008
A bit of snow outlines out the patterns / New Jersey / January 2009
This week's wonderful bounty / New Jersey / Jan. 2009
... We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth ... / Obama Inauguration Speech, Washington, DC / January 20, 2009
In today’s sharp sparkle, this winter air,
anything can be made, any
sentence begun.
Fabric panels on my front door provide an ever-changing art gallery / New Jersey / Jan. 2009
A single candle lit in prayer travels outward / New Jersey / Jan. 2009
Guatemalan weaving on my christmas tree helps send K on her way to Guatemala / Jan 2009
Sing a radical song of protest / New Jersey / Dec. 2008
In the early 1940s Woody Guthrie worked with Alan Lomax and the Library of Congress to compile the Songs of Woody Guthrie. After receiving a copy of his finished book, he wrote a pleased letter to the LOC and included some advice for congress. As our new congress was sworn in this week, I thought his words (and lyrics) timely:
Finding his yellowing love notes takes me back to a time before he set sail for "strange and distant countries" / New Jersey