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Posts from August 2007

Wake one day to a sky all blue


Summer sky / Lake Chrisann / August 2007

  Shall I wake one day to a sky all blue
  And meet with Spring in a crowded street?
Shall I open a door and, looking through,
  Find, on a sudden, the world more sweet?

-- from The Coming of Love by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay (1875-1928)

A sighing and a singing


Summer sun and summer lillies / Lake Chrisann / August 2007

An instinct as of music near–-
  A breath the wind is bringing,
Broken and sweet, as from a host
  Of swift and solemn winging–-
A mystery born of light and sound
Wrapping our trancéd progress round–-
  A sighing and a singing!

-- from Summer's Passing by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay (1875-1928)

August is . . .


Detail from Pap's "Summer Afternoon on the Lake" / Lake Chrisann, PA / August 2007

August is a great time . . . to try a new wine. To paint a new painting. To read a new book. To read a favorite old book. To listen to the birds sing. To learn a new song. To look at the stars in the sky (or planets that come out with the stars; I've been watching Jupiter in the southwest sky out my window all summer; it doesn't twinkle like the stars).

Lazing on the Lake


Detail from Pap's "Summer Afternoon on the Lake" mural / Lake Chrisann, PA / August 2007

The boisterous boy and the graceful girl spent the afternoon lazing on the lake.

Singing at all hours


Mitza's cardinal (When mother lets us paint on the walls in the Chapel in the Sky) / Lake Chrisann, PA / August 2007

A flock of birds has suddenly descended upon the basement powder room, including this cardinal. Singing can be heard at all hours of the day and night. See the full flock after the jump.

Continue reading "Singing at all hours" »

August, my August


A clam shell pulled out of the lake (and its shadow) / Lake Chrisann / August 2007

We've passed the halfway point in August and I want to slow it all down. The summer seems so long in June and even July. And then suddenly it is the month of August. It should have an extra week. A few extra hours to read a book, take a walk, eat fresh peaches and corn. Laze. August is the guilt-free month -- don't feel guilty for all the things you think you should be doing. Instead, laze the afternoon away swinging in a hammock dreaming of the things you'll do.

Summer Elvis sighting


Elvis performing at House of the Rising Bun / Beach Haven, NJ / August 2006

He of the gold piano, has also been known to hang out down the shore. [On the 30th anniversary of his passing.]

OK, quick -- what's your favorite Elvis song?

August sun setting


Pappy closing the deck umbrella / Lake Chrisann, PA / August 2007

View from the Sun Room of the lowering of the umbrella as the bright August sun starts to set in the western sky.