The poetry of hands, 11
Fabulous Pink Nails / Washington, DC / May 2007
When you want something to happen,
paint your nails.~ I read this somewhere years ago, but don't remember where
Fabulous Pink Nails / Washington, DC / May 2007
When you want something to happen,
paint your nails.~ I read this somewhere years ago, but don't remember where
Pappy's hands / National Gallery Sculpture Garden, Washington DC / May 2007
Like all great travellers,
I have seen more than I remember,
and remember more than I have seen.
Why I Sing / our Gregor / May 2007
Listen for the poetry of hands.
When mother lets us paint on the walls in the Chapel in the Sky / Lake Chrisann / Dec. 2005
Hands that officially present the completed artwork.
When mother lets us draw on the walls in the Chapel in the Sky / Lake Chrisann / Dec. 2005
Where the spirit does not work with the hand
there is no art.~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Birds resting on hands / at Central Park, New York City / Feb. 2006
Hands that welcome us.
Hands that bless us.
Hands that wave to us.
Hands that speak to us (and for us).
Hands that provide a resting place.
The modern and the ancient, both of fine design, side-by-side in Rijeka, Croatia / May 2005
My cousin Tonci took me for a ride on his Vespa on my last trip to Croatia. What fun to have a Vespa to tool around on -- it would be Vespadicious!
“Vespa has lived on from one generation to the next, subtly modifying its image each time. The first Vespa offered mobility to everyone. Then, it became the two-wheeler of the post war economic boom. During the sixties and seventies, the vehicle became a symbol for the revolutionary ideas of the time. Advertising campaigns like "He Who Vespas, eats the apple", and films such as Quadrophenia have symbolized eras in our history.” (Vespa)
Depliant “Vespa”, by Martelli, (Switzerland), 1946 (via Vespa history)
Vespanomics: the ecological, economic, and personal satisfaction one achieves after buying a Vespa scooter. Usage (Eg.) Jelisava could be seen stylishly scooting around town once she discovered Vespanomics.
Grandmother and grandson hands / Cinnaminson, NJ / Sept. 7, 2006
What does love look like?
It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
Hands and feet dancing down the sidewalk / Beach Haven, NJ / August 2006
Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.~ George Bernard Shaw
Only left handers are in their right mind / The Mountain House, Lake Chrisann / Sept. 2006
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere.